Thank you for your interest in volunteering through the Youth Centers of Orange. Your support in offering your time, talent and treasure helps us bring hope and healing to our community!
Get Involved
Complete the YCO Inquiry Form (a program of The HUB OC)
We’ll reach out and Have a Conversation about next steps
Once everything is in place, Hit the Ground Running as we seek to transform our community!
Volunteer Opportunities
Read a Book, Change a Life: Did you know that an adult volunteer who reads to children can increase school attendance and strengthen the childrens’ interpersonal skills? Come and read your favorite children’s book to a group of children or one on one! (We will also provide a book for you if you do not have your own.)
Create a Craft, Create Memories: We have intentional crafts that you can do with a group. You will create something together and leave with a craft to mark the memory!
Share Your Skill, Impact the Future: Children love to hear about different career paths and skill sets. Are you a plumber? A technician? A firefighter? An athlete? Come and teach them about your profession while engaging with them with questions and answers!
Share your Talent, Watch Them Grow: Do you have a fun, special talent that you can share with the kids? (Play an instrument, sing, juggle, card tricks, etc.) Children love to learn new talents, tricks, or fun skills!